Wednesday 5 November 2008

Mock Ups

I have designed two detailed mock ups of both my DVD covers (front and back) and the movie poster over the last couple of weeks, looking at what types of shots could be used the layout and typography to professional standard to create a successful piece of production work. By using my product and institution research I was able to get a rough idea of what types of shots to include in portraying the genre of the movie advertised and also the production values as well as plot. As shown in my product research the crime drama genre to display close ups or extreme close ups of the main character as the focal point of both products. In knowing this I decided to apply this convention into my own mock ups.

Above is my final mock up of my movie poster. I have chosen to use a close up of a white teenage girl (aged 16-20) this will enable the target audience to identify the central character. Preferably with blond hair to connote the idea of the characters innocence, though subverting this aspect through the genre and plot of the movie .as the movie is names 'faceless' I have decided that the main charter should wear a black or dark coloured hoodie to one identify the type of character involved within the movie and two have the hood covering the girls eyes and majority of face to link to the title in being the girl is 'faceless' connote her loss of identity an belonging. Her facial expressions should be sullen capturing the mood of the character to display the mood of both her and the film. another convention linked to the drama crime genre I found during my product research is that the title of the film is usually located on the bottom of the main picture if at all , so again decided to follow this trait and put my title 'Faceless' underneath the central picture. The font of the title I would preferably like it that similar to that of the font used in police tape (don't not cross.) I have chosen this font as it again hints at the Genre being to do with crime and hinting at the plot. The background is be a block of flats(estate) during against a night skyline though slightly blurred distorting the image , so that the audience are fully focused on the main picture rather than the background. By doing this the main picture again is seen as the focal point and although the audience are not fully focused on the background it is instilled within the audience the production values and connects with genre and plot of the movie.

After conducting various amounts of research into the production and publishing of DVD covers I found that many independent films especially linked with the crime and drama genre use very similar almost identical images within both the movie posters and DVD covers but with a few minor differences such as close ups of original image or change of colour. In knowing this I produced a detail mock up shown above linking closely to the movie poster displayed earlier. The front cover displays a young teenage girl aged sixteen -twenty in a mid shot from her waist up .This would display the types of clothes hair colour facial and body expressions so to let the audience evaluate the type of film it is and also identify with the character presented and her surroundings. The girl displayed would preferably have long dark hair covering majority of her face showing just part of her eye and bottom of face to link with the title and the concept of her being overshadowed and her loss of identity. This is also emphasised by her long hair adding to the sense of being overcome by darkness and 'faceless'. The characters face should be sullen as like the expression of her in the movie poster so the audience can ink both movie poster and DVD cover together. She would be wearing a dark top or hoodie to convey her social class age etc as well as emphasising again the title and its being. The background would be night skyline as in the movie poster blurred and distorted putting the audience's full attention on the character displayed.

The title would be located gain at the bottom of the case in a police tape style font printed faceless in white to represent the idea of innocence breaking through corruption. As well at the title the usual labels such as the certificate and Production Company's name would be located on the bottom of the cover. The certificate would be a 15 as the film would be first targeting young adults from fifteen upwards, as the film would portray real life in displaying drug use , strong language and strong violence. Lastly on the front cover there would be a review and star rating to complete the authentic look.

The back cover would again have the distorted, blurred building background. The main picture would e of the young girl dressed din all dark clothes face covered by her Hoodie as in the movie poster to portray the idea of in hiding or lose of identity. This picture would be show the whole of her body showing her walking away from the background connoting her walking away or leaving that part of her life behind her although overshadowed by its past .

On the right hand side would be the blurb and over view of film and below that a small section telling of the special features on the disc. On the bottom left hand side would be the certificate as well as the information of the duration of the film as well as the production labels and logos.

Lastly above is another DVD cover mock up I decided to produce. As you can see the main picture on the front cover is very similar to that of the last mock ups back cover and also the movie poster and so as them decided to have a young girl with blonde hair dressed all in dark clothing, with her face hidden to portray the type of genre, plot and story behind the character. having her hands in her pockets as well adds to the idea that she wants know one to see who she is and also the idea of identity is brought up and many looked at fingerprint to identify someone and as she hides her hands away this suggests she either has no identity or is trying to hide it .

In the background other characters are shown watching her walk away this suggest the idea of her walking away from them and that kind of life though also could suggest her hiding away from them not wanting to be recognized. The characters within e background would be as her aged between the ages if sixteen to twenty one. The boys dressed in either tracksuits or jeans with foodie's on both. On the left-hand side the boy presented would also be carrying a baseball bat to convey violence and the use of this bat within the movie. The girl leaning on him would be dressed in brighter colours; this is significant to the plot as although she seems to be part of those involved in the background plays a significant role within the movie in bringing light to the storyline suggesting her important role within the film. On the right hand side another boy dressed in a tracksuit would be sitting on a wall watching as the other's at the main character underneath him police poster would be shown presenting the words , ' if u have any info ring 02087665466' . This poster hints to idea of what the film and characters positions within the film as to why our main character appears to be in hiding. The title would be located not the top of the cover overlooking the image in a font style to that of a fingerprint, that I had chosen in my typography research. Underneath the man picture a review with a star rating and certificate would be advertised.

The back cover background would be just plain black with images taken form the film collaging the page the back cover. one image shown in the right hand would show a young black man holding the main character against the way by her throat , this suggest the violence within the film and leaves the audience wondering why he's in doing this . On the left hand side a collage of characters would be arranged showing firstly and young mixed race guy aged sixteen -twenty dressed in a dark vest, hair shaven looking slighting off form the camera. Underneath him a young man of the same ages and girl would be located talking to each other dressed in darker clothes and next to them our main character hooded up looking distraught straight at the camera in a close up. These shots are important as they are of be clips from the actual film and this way the audience can identify the key parties with the film and how they are to relate to the plot.

On the top of the page would be the review pronouncing ' TOUGH, TENSE, TERRIFIC.', and a five star rating. Underneath her nestled within the pictures would be the blurb of the film nestling within all the characters. Underneath the main picture the credits such as actor's names and production company names as well as directors would be shown with a special feature tab located on the left-hand side. Lastly the certificate 15 (contains very strong language, sex and drug use) would be located on the bottom left hand side with the barcode on the opposite side

After looking at both my mock ups of my DVD covers I have chosen to link the front cover of mock up number 1 to the back cover of mock up 2. reasons being is that from my audience feed back they found the front cover of mock up 2 to be more Hollywood, main stream style and wouldn't link to the independent look I am hoping to achieve. The feedback also told me the front cover of mock up 1 was suggestive and didn't fully portray the plotline and therefore left the audience to work out as a convention of an independent film and so chose to use this image in my final design. There reasons also for choosing the back cover of mock up2 was that this was more authentic in terms of layout as a DVD back cover in displaying the main charters in clips form the film itself.

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