Tuesday 23 September 2008

audience reserch

As part of my advanced production piece for media i have chosen to do a cross-promotional package focusing on films trailer , DVD cover and movie posters. i wanted to more so aim my product at a younger generation and look at the things affecting those in and around London , so chose to focus my ideas towards the rise of gun and knife crime among gang culture which is a hot topic within the media and news at the moment . in order to realise what my audience though and felt bout firstly film trailers, movie poster and DVD covers i decided to design a questionnaire in order for me to get a wider understanding of what my target auidence would be and how my product should look ,sound etc in order to grab the auidence and capture the effect i wanted .
Below is the first draft f my questionnaire to which i piloted to see if i could get the answers i needed to forward my research and production ; featuring questions on trailers , posters and DVD covers as well as questions concerning the recipients thoughts and feelings towards gun and knife crime within society .

(Please tick appropriate box)
1. Gender : male female

2. Age : 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-25 25+

3. Ethnicity: white black Asian other...........................

4. In which type of area do you live: city small town suburbs rural coastline

5. Any hobbies or interests?


6. Which type of film do you most enjoy: thriller drama comedy animated action adventure other................................................?

7. Do you prefer independent or mainstream films? Independent mainstream

8. Why do you prefer watching this type of film ? ?..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. How many times on average do u go to the cinema : once a week couple of times a month once every month once every few months once a year never

10. when going to see a film what type of trailer do u find the most effective : longer trailer (2-3mins) shot snippets ( this can be just the title displayed) shorter trailer ( 30sec’s)

11. Why do you prefer this type of film trailer? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

12. Where do you mostly see or her advertisements for new and up and coming movies: billboards TV adverts magazines bus stops Internet radio other..................................................................

After piloting this first draft i realised there was a few questions more i needed in order to realise more thoroughly my Target audience and what they though on the rise of gun and knife crime in Brittan and how it has affected them . I also needed to learn more about how, where and what , my audience thought where good ways of advertising and so redrafted the questionnaire to give a more accurate idea of my audiences needs and wants . I also decided on piloting this questionnaire to instead of producing a film trailer.


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